Republic of Movement

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Workout: Touching The Floor And Low Bridging

Here are some tasks we’re using lately in the classes. Below is a workout you can follow.

1. Exploratory Quadrupedal Drills

This is a more open-ended task for warming up the wrists. It targets different angles, avoiding the trap of overly repetitive warmup tasks.

Variation 1: Hands fixed on the floor

Start in a pushup position. You will keep the hands fixed in place. Shifting the weight out of a foot, send it somewhere, being attentive to the tension around the arms. Then take another step with the feet

Variation 2: Changing hand orientation

In this one, you can occasionally change the hand orientation (where the fingers point), but not the position - they always stay in the same spot. It will allow you to explore new areas.

Variation 3: Changing hand position

Finally, we allow the hands to step around as well. But we avoid lifting them when the feet are lifted, and we pay special attention to the weight shifting quality.

Some things to consider when working with these 3 variations

  • Let the ranges open up; don’t force them open. Some days more, some days less

  • mind the quality of the feet - notice how Aylin is stepping here. Not rushing.

  • Look for the incoherent positions.

  • Take long steps

2. Low Bridge Variations

basic hold - where all beginners should, well… begin. Make sure the heels come up, and to keep the butt supported, not collapsing on the heels

one arm shifts - it requires creating a new connection across the body, to prevent collapsing. Build it up gradually, removing one finger at a time, and try to notice what the body requires to prevent the collapse.

fingertip - requires and develops the ability to shift the weight to the legs. Shift your knees forward to release weight from the fingers. Similarly make sure to gradually remove one finger at a time (and don't just add more pressure to the remaining fingers, but make sure it goes towards the feet).

briefly shifting weight out of hands - very useful for other transitions out of the bridge. We use this in the carnerinho, for example.

3. Putting them together: Sample Warm-up For Locomotion


  • A1. Exploratory warmup drill #1 - 2 minutes of work

  • B1. Low bridge slide - 3 second hold x 6-10 reps

  • C1. Exploratory warmup drill #2 - 2 minutes of work

  • D1. Low bridge slide - 3 second hold x 6-10 reps

  • E1. Exploratory warmup drill #3 - 2m of work

  • F1. Low bridge slide - 3 second hold x 6-10 reps


  • A1. Exploratory warmup drill #1 - 2 minutes of work

  • B1. Low bridge slide on fingertips - 3 second hold x 6-10 reps

  • C1. Exploratory warmup drill #2 - 2 minutes of work

  • D1. Low bridge slide to 1 finger or no hand - 3 second hold x 6-10 reps x 2 rounds / 1m rest

  • E1. Exploratory warmup drill #3 - 2m of work x 2 rounds / 1m rest

  • F1. One arm low bridge hold - 15-30s per side x 2 rounds / 1m rest