Republic of Movement

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Coronavirus Lockdown Lessons

Nine joyful lessons from a global lockdown, as we emerge from our respective caves.

1 - You don’t need to see a persons whole face to catch a smile. Eyes are beautiful and mysterious indeed.

2 - I spent most of my time practicing at a nearby marina. I met countless people, young and old and of all different sorts, all engaged in different pursuits. We kept our distance, but that didn’t make us distant to each other. Our paths never would have crossed, but for this event.

3 - It only takes a few times in a row saying hi to the most recalcitrant person, before they start saying hi back, and eventually a silent companionship is born.

4 - There’s nothing wrong with small talk (but I still have a long way to go). 5 - When shit hits the fan, the things you do regularly become anchors in your life. And yet, we are so much more than our routines.

6 - You can only organize your socks so many ways. (And in a gesture of absolute nerdness, I installed both Devonthink and Omnifocus.

7 - People are quick to judge. And yet… most everybody simply wants the best for society; people just differ on the trajectory/map.

8 - Vikings is the best tv show. Sorry, Game of Thrones.

9 - Dungeons and Dragons is not a “game”. It is improv, standup, acting, and a sandbox for personal/psychological studies. Oh wait, that makes it a game, but in the sense that James Carse talks about when he talks about infinite games.