Moving forward

We’ve reopened for about a month now, and I have had time to process a lot of thoughts from the prior lockdown, and see certain ideas take shape.

The change of pace during the lockdown gave us much-needed room to step back and look at things from new angles, ask new questions, and especially consider how we can do a better job of what we are trying to do, including sharing with a small community and perpetually elevating our own practice.

It was tumultuous and filled with doubt and uncertainty. I had not been pleased with how our classes had been evolving prior to the lockdown. And I felt too slow to react, always a step behind. So when the global pause button was hit, I jumped at the opportunity to recalibrate, reorient, realign.

I decided that if I was to continue teaching classes, a few changes would have to happen. Limiting class sizes, not for hygiene, but to match my still-growing ability as a teacher to manage a group. Changing the way decisions were made about what to share, and also… HOW to share them. And of course, making an explicit priority for myself of developing as a teacher and leader of a community.

And a month after reopening our doors to students, I can say… it was the best thing that could have happened for us. I’m amazed and humbled and grateful for the wonderful group of practitioners we have here. We are less focused on growing at the moment, and more focused on going deep, setting strong roots based on practice. I have a much clearer sense of what we’re about, what direction we’re trying to take students in.

All those words just to say... thank you all, just for sharing together this ride called life, whether from close or afar.


Fallacy of teleology of design


Meditation & Self