Republic of Movement

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Reflections on Ido Portal Weekend Event

HOW you move

A connected body is one in which all the parts conspire together towards an outcome. And this was offered, not as an idea, but through DOING. We did it fast, we did it slow; we did it vertically, we did it horizontally; we did it in calm, and in chaos; we did it with ease, and we did it with effort.

What emerges is a connection that doesn’t depend on circumstances, but on awareness.

Amortization, In-betweens

Between the eccentric and concentric phase of a movement, there is a transition moment which can be used, if the body is educated. Between stillness and movement, there is also a transition. Time was spent in these in between spaces, learning to cultivate intention, organization, equalization.

The offering

So many weekends flash past us, days evaporating before our eyes. An alternative was offered here: to show how much consciousness and presence can be brought into a single movement. Developing not just critical movement capacities, but installing them with a quality of attention and intention.


The offering here is clear: the idea of PRACTICE. You weren’t just fed a technique, nobody gave you psychedelic tea. You had to bring yourself to the table.

It wasn’t about a single weekend or experience. What was shared was perspective and tools to continue to pursue such depth and meaning in our lives, whether in the next movement session, family dinner, getting stuck in traffic, argument, moment of panic, loss, gain…

Going inwards = connecting to others

Curiously, we spent 2 days going INWARDS, and yet afterwards, the group seemed more connected, there was more openness between people. How can it be? Perhaps because if you go deep inwards enough, you find what’s common across all people.

Pursuing complexity by beginning with simple conditions

“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.”

And this is how we worked: we didn’t invest in long elaborate sequences, complicated buildups of techniques, etc. We were given the recipe for a fertile soil of connection in the body, and then seeds in the form of various challenges were planted - what emerged was a naturally emergent complexity, one that belongs intrinsically to the participant.

Philosophy of movement practice: because context matters
Movement vs movements, practice vs practices. Creativity. Subjectivity. And more…


But it wasn’t about talking. The philosophy served the doing. And we did. We WORKED. People reported depths of soreness over the subsequent days, in places they had never been before.