Republic of Movement

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work on all 3 layers

You exist in three layers: your human layer, your movement layer, and your performance layer. What Ido called Homo Sapien/Homo Motus/Homo Specialitas. A practice can serve any or all 3 of these.

Your human layer: you as a villager, you without any specific interests but life. Yet you live, age, and die in a body. And your practice can care for that body - keeping joints healthy, staying nimble.

Your movement layer: how you move. The pursuit of movement quality, creating new connections and relationships in your body, exploring what possibilities embodiment affords.

Your performance layer: any domain of movement can become a “field”. Some become their own pursuits - acrobatics, athletics, dance, martial arts.

Most practices focus on one of these - staying healthy, working on better movement quality, or acquiring technical proficiency. But it’s possible to work on all of them.

(There is a fourth layer, or perhaps more of a core, that can also be addressed or neglected by a practice…)