Natural Movement
A better way to think about “natural” movement… and it isn’t about the movement.
On Frustration, Practice, and Awareness (aka Escape from the Hypercube)
The path is never as straightforward as it seems. This characterizes a real practice - you can’t fall asleep with your foot on the pedal… We aren’t interested in a process which invites somnolence; life is too short to be doing things half checked out. I’d rather play inside the hypercube of practice; here I can learn and practice to be “awake” - at the very least, so I can be awake at the moment of my death.
Fallacy of teleology of design
The origin of the design doesn’t speak to whether it is right to use it for a purpose. That’s an illusion - the fallacy of teleology of design (a trap I walk into on a regular basis). Fate happens now, and we decide what things are “made” for, by using them for such.
What it was made for is a starting point, not an ending point. It may determine parameters which constrain future repurposing, vectors which determine what directions of growth are possible. Of course, mind the origins of the thing: It speaks to respect, ancestry, humility. Bind the sacredness of origin with the pursuit of complexity.
Moving forward
We’ve reopened for about a month now, and I have had time to process a lot of thoughts from the prior lockdown, and see certain ideas take shape.
Meditation & Self
Meditating isn’t about being alone with your thoughts; it’s about being alone without them.
Coronavirus Lockdown Lessons
Nine joyful lessons from a global lockdown, as we emerge from our respective caves.
Of Tools & Biases
we are the creature that can selectively wear idealogical biases like costumes for the masquerade, pragmatically or aesthetically or exploratatively dancing between “constructions” and “values” and “senses or skills or attitudes”.
Choose and use your tools, and choose and use them wisely.
Can You Practice Into Old Age?
The good news here is that you can practice till your last moment, and you can do it beautifully, without sacrificing the things that make movement practice singularly special - quality and attention to detail, the work ethic it demands, the fears it puts you up against, the way it connects the seemingly disparate, the exploration and adventure and growth that characterize it.
Practice in the time of Coronavirus
During the lockdown, we maintain our practice with full intensity.
The best definition which has ever been given of a high standard of organization, is the degree to which the parts have been specialized or differentiated
- Charles Darwin.
Practicing to Understand (Mindbody)
A movement practice is an excellent way to model the mindbody phenomenon; by giving us reference after reference of what it IS, from as many vantage points as possible...
Hypocognition is usually used to refer to things besides ourselves... but what about turning that lens back upon ourselves? What don’t we see, of who and what we are, for lack of models and mental machinery which manufacture the context for making our own existence comprehensible?
Being a Good Partner (Movement Culture)
When engaged in partner work, it is common enough that one is the agent, and the other the patient. That is, one seems to be doing “the work” while the other provides the context for practicing. One component that must differentiate our practice and our culture, that we must install to be truly rarefied, is to bring quality to that dynamic. And one of the most difficult aspects of cultivating such a high level of partner work is the attention and focus of the agent.
First Order Retrievability
First order retrievability: Any tool you will use should be immediately accessible from the place from which you work (Adam Savage). Our craft is less characterized by specific tools, but this philosophy bears significant relevance for us.
Dynamic Balance
The importance of the ability to keep your center of mass over the base of support (balance) is difficult to over-state. On the other hand, it’s not the end-all-be-all of a movement practice – just look at the best “balancers” (whether on hands or feet) and see that they struggle when control has to be sacrificed.
Killing Your Self - Why Eliminating Style Is Beautiful
Style is habit, and a habit is NOT who you are. In constraining style, we evolve. I was conflicted about this at first, but I discovered that eliminating mannerism provided an opportunity to rise above the illusory self I take for granted, and see the outline of something more expansive and inclusive.